
Custom food delivery service

About client

American investment company interested in creating a tool for fast online delivery of customer orders directly to the restaurants using the instruments of integration.

Amazon partner


Develop several applications that are solving particular tasks in the general COS system It should be a complex order delivery system with full control over the process in real-time.

Customers can use one Internet source to find food, menus, meals or even whole restaurants they are interested in.

The restaurant owners can upload their menus using the same source, which saves them from a long search for advertising sites and numerous registrations, plus provides order flow and processing in real time.

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It was necessary to ensure the performance of the application on Amazon devices, since it was assumed that the software would be distributed along with the hardware.

But there was a problem: "Push" messages didn’t work exactly on such devices due to Amazon tablets didn’t support push notification from Google.


We had to think a little about how to solve this puzzle. We tried some libraries, and finally we achieved the goal.

Due work we ejected and rebuilt all application, put library into it and built app again manually. That was a bit tricky, but that worth it - notifications worked fine.

Team composition

Two web developers, QA engineer and designer

Tech Stack

Frontend (web applications)
Frontend (tablet apps)
Storage systems

Cooperation results

Web app for customers and business owners

Remote access to COS services over the Internet for both the service consumer and the food manufacturer. Customers and business owners have different control panels.

Billing solution

Billing app was also developed for the business owners, allowing them to monitor the proceeds statistics and taxes in real time.

Projects follow-up system

This project was created in accordance with the flexible methodology of software development. We used the principle of continuous provision of software products.

Host based app

The host part is asynchronic and able to manage dozens of thousands of connections at the same time, passing and controlling thousands of orders, and controlling hundreds of thousands of messages in real-time.

App for business owners

It has four folders and operates with the order during all steps: receiving, making, processing, and payment.

CI system

Two-way data exchange between COS subsystems inside the server and interaction with a dedicated communication service with third-party information service providers were implemented.

Emulation and testing system

Since the high load is implied, each element of the project has undergone not only comprehensive testing. We developed and put into practice several simulators, allowing to find and eliminate critical elements in the project in terms of reliability and performance.

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